Morphine compared oxycontin

What is stronger a 15mg morphine sulfate.
Morphine versus Oxycodone
morphine euphoria vs oxycontin - Topix
60 mg morphine vs 80 mg oxycontin or 40.
Oxycodone vs Morphine
my buddy usually takes 2 80 mg oxycontin split in half orally through out the day or about 2-3 40 mg opana the same way. he just got a bunch of 60 mg morphine pills
How strong is oxycodone compared to.

Hey, does anyone know how much a 100/mcg fentanyl patch is, compared to oxycontin? (in words of how much oxycontin is = to 1 100/mcg patch.)
05.05.2007 · Best Answer: Morphine is stringer. The medication in Oxycontin is the EXACT same medication as in Percocet, there's just no Tylenol and it's in an acrylic
13.11.2008 · Best Answer: lol it's 1.5 times stronger Oxycodone Short-acting forms of oxycodone (without acetaminophen) are now available in pill and liquid form
hey i never tried morphine before but i'm just wondering how the euphoria overall high is compared to oxycontin. also is the constipation worse? thanks.
Opiates & Opioids > Oxymorphone SWIM has been using (mainly snorting ) oxycodone (OxyContin) for a couple of years SWIM also felt the decline in availability